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Prince William County Reckless Driving Lawyer

Reckless Driving Attorney in Prince William County

If you have been charged with a reckless driving offense, it is prudent to consult with a Prince William County reckless driving lawyer, since the penalties for reckless driving in Virginia are severe.

If you’ve been charged with driving recklessly, you will have serious questions about what constitutes reckless driving and what that may mean for your future. The knowledge and experience of a reckless driving lawyer in Prince William County can help you minimize the impact of these criminal charges.

Working With a Prince William County Reckless Driving Lawyer

The attorneys at our firm have experience dealing with reckless driving charges throughout Prince William County including major corridors such as I-95 and I-66, as well as heavily traveled local Routes such as 28, 29, 234, and the Prince William Parkway. Of course, a reckless driving charge can also occur in your neighborhood, right in front of your home.

One of the primary reasons for working with a Prince William County reckless driving lawyer is because a local attorney brings a great deal of relevant courtroom knowledge to the table when dealing with police, prosecutors, and judges in a specific jurisdiction.  If you happen to be an out-of-state driver, a Prince William County reckless driving attorney from our firm can even represent you in court without you having to be physically present.

In many cases, however, a Prince William County reckless driving lawyer can negotiate reduced or even dismissed charges, depending on the circumstances and assist those accused in taking steps before trial, such as speedometer calibration or driving classes, to help their case. It is imperative to remember that a reckless driving charge is NOT a simple traffic ticket. Paying a fine prior to court is not an option for a misdemeanor charge such as reckless driving. Many people are uncomfortable appearing in court without a lawyer. When it comes to reckless driving, it is advisable to consult a qualified defense attorney.

What is Reckless Driving?

According to Virginia Code Section 46.2-852 and the other numerous Virginia reckless driving statues, reckless driving is defined as someone who disregards the posted maximum speeds, typically speeds higher than 20 miles per hour over the legal speed limit, drives any type of motorized vehicle on any highway or roadway in a reckless or careless way or at speeds, or in a manner, that can endanger the life, property, or physical well-being of another person, whether they are in the vehicle or not.

Some examples of reckless driving can include but are not limited to:

  • Applying makeup while operating a moving vehicle
  • Texting while driving
  • Committing sexual acts or having sexual acts performed on you while operating a moving vehicle
  • Switching lanes quickly and repeatedly without signaling
  • Passing a stopped school bus
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Passing on a blind curve
  • Aggressive driving
  • Racing
  • Failing to properly maintain brakes

Many of these driving mistakes are caused by ordinary distractions-—running through a mental to-do list, listening to passengers talking in the car, or even simple daydreaming. While the dangers of distracted and careless driving are real, levying harsh criminal sentences could have serious consequences for a person exhibiting ordinary human error.

If you don’t know whether your actions are considered reckless under the law, speak with a Prince William County reckless driving lawyer.

Reckless Driving Penalties

Reckless Driving Lawyer in Prince William County

Virginia Code Section 46.2-868 states that if convicted of reckless driving, you may be found guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. A class 1 misdemeanor carries a sentence of up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500.  In addition, your Virginia driver’s license, or your privilege to drive in Virginia if you are from out of state, may be suspended for up to six months.

If the reckless driving occurs while your license is suspended or revoked because of a moving violation, or if the reckless driving is the sole cause of the death of another, you may be found guilty of a class 6 felony which carries a sentence of up to five years in prison and/or a fine of up to $2,500.

Finding a Reckless Driving Attorney In Prince William County

There are numerous types of reckless driving included within the Virginia Code. Knowing where your particular case falls among these can be difficult, but you don’t have to learn the letter of the law to defend yourself against the charges.  A Prince William County reckless driving lawyer can represent you in court and fight to get your penalties reduced or eliminated entirely.

Call our firm today and speak with a friendly member of our legal team to set up your free initial consultation.

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